This support resource will explore the bottom portion of the Dashboard to help you navigate the Portal.

  • The bottom segment of the Dashboard contains three tables that provide shortcuts to a few prominent destinations to configure your clinic. Additionally, it allows you to locate resources that will help you to better understand the Health Myself Portal. 

  • The first table contains many 'Quick Links' that will direct you to the respective pages within the Portal. 
    • Most of the Quick Links can be accessed directly from the top of the Dashboard including: 
      • Messaging (will take you to the Mailbox/Messaging Tab)
      • Appointments (will direct you to the Appointment Tab)
      • Patients (will take you to the Patient Management Tab)
      • Broadcasts (will take you to the Broadcasts Tab)
      • Tasks (will take you to the respective Tasks Tab) 
    • The other Quick Links will give you access to pages that are otherwise inaccessible from the Dashboard, among these other Quick Links:
      • Forms - From the Forms quick link you will be able to examine any e-form responses that you have received from patients as well as any e-forms that your Portal currently has available.
      • Check-In - The Check-In quick link will bring you to the Check-In Device Profiles that your clinic has set up. From this page you will be able to access the printable check-in page you can display around your clinic as well as the QR Code to set up your clinic check-in kiosk/device. 
      • Notifications - This quick link will give you the ability to review any reminder notifications that have been sent out as well as Portal Invitation records. 
      • Statistics - The Stats quick link will provide statistics based on Portal usage (i.e. clinic, registration, booking and messaging stats) in addition to statistic reports reflecting Billable Messages and SMS usage. 
      • Media Manager - From this quick link you will be able to upload any images you would like to include in Broadcasts and other mass communications as well as manage any previously uploaded media. Once you have added it to the Media Manager, you will be able to easily re-access and re-add those images to be used in subsequent communications. 

  • The next table in the bottom portion of the Dashboard is the Settings Table. The table will provide shortcuts to prominent features that affect the workflow of the Portal. 
    • Manage a Schedule - This Settings shortcut will bring you to the Schedules options, normally accessible from the full settings page. From here, you will be able to manage previously created schedules and configure new schedules (this includes appointment types, booking rules etc.).
    •  Manage a User - The shortcut for Manage a User directs you to the Providers/User Accounts options. You will be able to view all staff users with accounts for the profile as well as any deactivated users (staff that have left the clinic). You will be able to send out registration for staff, create new users, edit direct messaging preferences in addition to personalizing certain aspects of Portal features per provider from this area. 
    • Manage a Patient Group - To review/create your patient groups and custom patient groups you can follow this shortcut. This is where you can customize registration instructions, patient import settings and other general settings for the patient groups. 
    • Manage a Workgroup - Following this shortcut will navigate you to the Workgroup settings. From here you can configure which staff members can attend to messages that are directed to the respective workgroup as well as manage schedules that are associated with said workgroup. 
    • Import Patients - The Import Patients shortcut will bring you to the Import Patient page in the settings. From this page you will be able to view your Import History as well as conduct new imports. The import process will bring in new patients from your EMR to the Portal, and update any previously imported patients. 
  • The final table that is displayed on the bottom portion of your Portal Dashboard is the Support table. This will give you access to support resources as well as the ability to open a Technical Support ticket with the Health Myself Team.
    • Contact Support - This option will allow you to open up a Support Ticket for any technical issues you encounter. 
    • FAQs - This will redirect you to the Solutions page, where you can find a number of resources to help troubleshoot issues and learn to utilize the Portal to its full potential. 

  • You should now be acquainted with navigating the Portal Dashboard!