Note:  You do not need to create a provider account for schedule syncing.  Accounts should be created to access the Portal for administration and messaging only.

1.  Go to Settings by clicking on your account icon at the top right corner.  Click on the Providers bar.  

2.  Click on the New Provider button .

3.  Fill in all information and choose a provider type in the drop down menu.

4.  Click on newly created username.  Then click on Name and Profile to adjust any changes.

  • Advanced Options will allow you to associate the appropriate EMR resources and Portal configurations to this provider's profile. 
    • Under External IDs choose the provider in the EMR that this provider account belongs to 
    • Choose the EMR that this provider belongs to in the Primary EMR
    • Specify the Primary Location of this provider if there are multiple clinic sites
    • And finally choose the Primary Schedule that belongs to this provider. This will ensure that the appointments in the Portal day-sheet are pre-filtered by the schedule name. If this is not set, then the day-sheet will show all appointments for all of the providers by default
  • Click Save Changes to commit.     

5.  Expand Email bar to change the user's email if necessary.

6.  Expand Messaging bar:

  • Select all Patient Groups that can select you as a recipient of secure messages.  Un-check all boxes to not allow direct messaging.
  • Type in a Messaging Disclaimer if applicable.
  • If you allow direct messaging, do you also Allow Patients to Attach Files to you?  Check the box if the answer is Yes.
  • Set the number of days that the Portal will remind you if the patient has not yet read your message.  Set this under Flag Conversations If Unread By A Patient.
  • Set the number of days that you would like the Portal to notify a patient to respond to a message if they have not already done so
  • Check on Allow response if you would like to allow patients to respond to correspondences by default
  • Configure which Send buttons you would like to appear when composing messages 
    • Send & Download will send the message and download the current content of the conversation to the patient chart
    • Send & End will allow send out the message and prohibit the patient from responding
    • Send, End & Download will send the message, prohibit the message from being responded to by the patient and download the conversation up to that point, in the chart
  • Click Save Changes to commit.

7.  Expand Workgroups bar.  A workgroup is a logical or physical separation of staffs within a clinic.  An example of a workgroup is a pod structure where receptionist A only reports to doctor A, and receptionist B only reports to doctor B. Any incoming messages or e-book requests will only be appear to the specific workgroup that they belong to.

  • Click on the Workgroup that this user belongs to.  The user can belong to multiple workgroups.
  • Click Join to commit.

  • Click the "Include unread workgroup messages in new message count" box to be notified of new incoming secure messages from your patients.  Front line staff triaging messages should have this box checked.
  • Remove from Workgroup button will rescind your membership to this particular workgroup.

8.  Expand Personal Preferences:

  • Change the Default Home Page if the user would prefer to view a specific screen upon logon into the Portal.
  • Change the Default Calendar Increment to adjust the time measurement in minutes within the provider calendar.  This view will change how much information is visible on the computer screen.
  • Click Save Changes to commit.

9.  Expand Portal Registration bar:

  • Input a secret word or numbers in the provided field, and share this information with the user to activate their account.
  • Click Send Invitation to invite the user to join the Portal.

10.  The user will receive the registration email in their inbox.

  • Click on Activate Your Account to be taken to the Health Myself website for user registration.

11.  At the Health Myself website for registration:

  • Enter the secret word or numbers shared in Step 9, and click Next.

  • Create a strong passwordand repeat in the second field.  Must meet the following criteria:
    • Minimum of 8 characters
    • Contain a upper case
    • Contain a lower case
    • Contain a number
    • Contain a special character such as !@#$%^&*()<>?

  • Create a PIN that is secret only to you, similar to your bank PIN.

  • Check the box of declaration to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and click Next and log into the Portal.