Availability for online booking is created using a template method, similar to the EMR's scheduling system.  This template defines exactly what appointments types can be booked online at specific times throughout the day.  This weekly template can be published between a start date and an end date, which will create availability for months ahead.

1.  Go to the Appointments/Calendar icon.

2.  Expand the Manage Templates bar, and then click on Create New Template.  To edit an existing template, select a template from the drop down menu.

3.  Customize Template

  • Type in the Template Name.
  • Click on Apply Availability Rule in the drop down menu and choose an availability rule.  Availability Rules are created during implementation and defines how far in advanced an appointment can be booked and when it is taken offline.
  • In the scheduling calendar, choose a day of the week, hold down the mouse button and drag start time to end time.  Repeat for the other days if applicable.  Choose another Appointment Rule from the drop down menu, and repeat the procedure if applicable.
  • If the provider works out of different locations on different days, you can template a location along with a rule. The location setting here in the template will over-ride location settings in the schedule or appointment type settings. 
  • Click on Save Template button to commit.

4.  Apply Template

  • Pick the provider's name from the Select a Schedule drop down menu.
  • Pick a Date Range that will be populated with availabilities.
  • Choose the Template name to be applied.
  • Typically, you would publish availability every week, so that availabilities are repeated on a weekly basis.  However, you may need to choose a Frequency of "every 2nd week," if for example, the doctor works at a hospital every other week and should not be scheduled.
  • What to do with existing availabilities when this template is applied?  Usually, you would like to Remove Availabilities Within The Date Range, but the other options are the Remove All, or Keep All.  Keep All option may create double bookings if chosen and is rarely used.
  • If you would like to review availabilities before publishing, select the "Review availabilities after applying this template" option. However, this is rarely used and it is recommended that you publish availabilities immediately after applying the template. 
  • Click on Apply Template to commit.