One of the most requested assistance a newly launched clinic may face is with family connections.  As a value added service and an essential component of the training curriculum, implementation managers will create the client's first Portal Broadcast using the contents below.

Please refer to How to Send Group Communications document here:

Do the following:

  1. Upload and use the attached Family Picture file into the Primary Image field in the Content Section.
  2. Copy the Content Section text below and paste into Content field.  Change the clinic signature accordingly.
  3. In the Location in Patient Portal field, select Dashboard (sidebar).
  4. In the Audience section, select all Patient Groups.
  5. Send

Copy Content Section:

If your family shares one email, one person has the ability to control the appointments of all the members in the family. 

For Example, If Steven, his wife Sarah, and his two children are all patients of Dr. Paine, Steven has the ability to book for himself, his wife and his children. 

After registration, the patient may manually add their family members through the Connected Accounts under the My Account Menu found on the bottom panel Dashboard.

On the Connected Accounts Page, you can search for any family members through the Add New Connection search panel by using their First Name, Last Name, Personal Health Number (PHN), and Date of Birth. 

To be able to initiate the connection, the caregiver who is searching for a patient needs to share at least of one of the following with the patient as the information appears in the patient's EMR chart.

- email address

- home phone number

- postal code


In order to book appointments for a family member who is 16 or Older, please have that person call or come into our office and authorize your connection.  Due to the medical-legal implications of booking appointments for those over the age of 16, we must get their authorization prior to allowing parents or other family members to book appointments and have access to their medical information on their behalf.  

Thank you, 

<Clinic Name>